
Sometimes the most beautiful thing in the world remains unseen, hidden and unbidden till it flowers, sometimes too late, but when it does it is the warmest, most heartfelt and then never too late. To my friends, thank you.

Spotlight on Rosa- Du Jour Millinery Photoshoot

I started speaking with a millinery designer- Nikolina of Nikolina Concepts, a beautifully young creative woman who creates some amazingly structural hat designs, so together with Sarah Baxter (makeup and hair artist extraordinaire) and Rosa from Cameron’s Models we pulled together Du Jour. Rosa has one of the most beautiful skin tones I’ve ever seen … More Spotlight on Rosa- Du Jour Millinery Photoshoot

Melbourne’s Culture

Early in August my dad popped by for a visit and that gave us a chance to explore Melbourne’s vast cultural pickings. We first went to the Tim Burton’s Exhibition (my insistence) which purports to showcase over 700 of Burton’s personal works including ‘paintings, drawings, puppets, costumes, storyboards and film’. It was a little of … More Melbourne’s Culture